The Laxmipur complex is the first and largest of all our projects.
There is a mosque, a three-storey orphan accommodation, two madrasa buildings and a separate dining hall, which accommodates 130 children at a time. There is also a separate four-storey building for our orphan girls. Furthermore, the complex has a large playing area as well as an area for growing fruits and vegetables which contribute towards the food provisions. The centre includes a pond too – where fish are harvested for eating as part of daily meals.
At present, we are caring for at least 310 children of which 60 are studying Hifz and around 63 are girls. Currently, we have over 600 students attending our madrasa, including children from the local community – a number which is increasing each year.
The development of a second five-storey building is underway. We also need an extension to the existing mosque as it is not enough to accommodate the growing number of students, and we also plan on extending the girls’ building further so we can take on more children in need.